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Method of manufacturing a standard stainless steel Head
Release Time:2011-09-08  Views :
Stainless steel head manufacturing method are many, such as the overall shape, stitching, welding or the like, where the stainless steel head several major manufacturing method described as follows:
1 small head: Usually color disposable integral molding manufacturing methods;
2, large and medium-sized head: is the most used method of production - after the first splicing molding, the standard requirements for its main purposes;
3, the oversize head: because of factors such as transport and open file request to split forming, after welding together.
With the rapid development of manufacturing and processing technologies, all stainless steel head processing technology are increasing.
Key Words : 不銹鋼封頭
Elliptical head
Elliptical head
Butterfly head
Butterfly head
Spherical head spin edge
Spherical head spin edge
Flat Head
Flat Head
Spherical head
Spherical head
Bow bottom head
Bow bottom head
Conical head
Conical head
Spherical cap shaped head
Spherical cap shaped head
Insulation panel
Insulation panel
Expansion Joints
Expansion Joints
Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
Manhole flange
Manhole flange
Wenzhou Shangshang Metal Products Co., Ltd.
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