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Head and use different forms of classification
Release Time:2011-09-22  Views :
Head petrochemicals, atomic energy to the food and pharmaceutical industry equipment, pressure vessels and many other important parts missing is not available, the equipment used in a variety of containers, such as storage tanks, heat exchangers, towers, reactors, boilers and separation equipment, head is a member of the container depending on the geometry, can be divided into spherical, oval, dish, of spherical, conical shell peace cover several.
According to head of different materials are: forging steel, carbon steel, stainless steel top closure
Key Words : 不銹鋼封頭
Elliptical head
Elliptical head
Butterfly head
Butterfly head
Spherical head spin edge
Spherical head spin edge
Flat Head
Flat Head
Spherical head
Spherical head
Bow bottom head
Bow bottom head
Conical head
Conical head
Spherical cap shaped head
Spherical cap shaped head
Insulation panel
Insulation panel
Expansion Joints
Expansion Joints
Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
Jacket (cylinder) rotation side
Manhole flange
Manhole flange
Wenzhou Shangshang Metal Products Co., Ltd.
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